
Selected Publications

1First author. *Corresponding author.

Taeyun Ku1, Webster Guan, Nicholas B. Evans, Chang Ho Sohn, Alexandre Albanese, Joon-Goon Kim, Matthew P. Frosch, Kwanghun Chung* (2020). Elasticizing tissues for reversible shape transformation and accelerated molecular labeling. Nature Methods 17:609–613. [link]

Taeyun Ku1, Justin Swaney1, Jeong-Yoon Park1, Alexandre Albanese, Evan Murray, Jae Hun Cho, Young-Gyun Park, Vamsi Mangena, Jiapei Chen, Kwanghun Chung* (2016). Multiplexed and scalable super-resolution imaging of three-dimensional protein localization in size-adjustable tissues. Nature Biotechnology 34:973–981. [link]

Evan Murray1, Jae Hun Cho1, Daniel Goodwin1, Taeyun Ku1, Justin Swaney1, Sung-Yon Kim, Heejin Choi, Young-Gyun Park, Austin Hubbert, Margaret McCue, Sara Vassallo, Naveed Bakh, Matthew P. Frosch, Van J. Wedeen, H. Sebastian Seung, Kwanghun Chung* (2015). Simple, scalable proteomic imaging for high-dimensional profiling of intact systems. Cell 163:1500–1514. [link]

Other Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals

Jeonghwan Youk, Hyun Woo Kwon, Joonoh Lim, Eunji Kim, Taewoo Kim, Ryul Kim, Seongyeol Park, Kijong Yi, Chang Hyun Nam, Sara Jeon, Yohan An, Jinwook Choi, Hyelin Na, Eon-Seok Lee, Youngwon Cho, Dong-Wook Min, HyoJin Kim, Yeong-Rok Kang, Si Ho Choi, Min Ji Bae, Chang Geun Lee, Joon-Goon Kim, Young Seo Kim, Tosol Yu, Won-Chul Lee, Jong-Yeon Shin, Dong Soo Lee, Tae-You Kim, Taeyun Ku, Su Yeon Kim, Joo-Hyeon Lee, Bon-Kyoung Koo, Hyunsook Lee, On Vox Yi, Eon Chul Han, Ji Hyun Chang, Kyung Su Kim, Tae Gen Son, Young Seok Ju (2024). Quantitative and qualitative mutational impact of ionizing radiation on normal cells. Cell Genomics 4:100499.

Ariel J. Lee, Herve Hugonnet, Young Seo Kim, Joon-Goon Kim, Moosung Lee, Taeyun Ku, YongKeun Park (2023). Volumetric refractive index measurement and quantitative density analysis of mouse brain tissue with sub-micrometer spatial resolution. Advanced Photonics Research 2300112.

Hyoseon Oh, Suho Lee, Yusang Oh, Seongbin Kim, Young Seo Kim, Yeji Yang, Woochul Choi, Ye-Eun Yoo, Heejin Cho, Seungjoon Lee, Esther Yang, Wuhyun Koh, Woojin Won, Ryunhee Kim, C. Justin Lee, Hyun Kim, Hyojin Kang, Jin Young Kim, Taeyun Ku, Se-Bum Paik, Eunjoon Kim (2023). Kv7/KCNQ potassium channels in cortical hyperexcitability and juvenile seizure-related death in Ank2-mutant mice. Nature Communications 14:3547.

Han-Eol Park, Song Hyun Jo, Rosalind H. Lee, Christian P. Macks, Taeyun Ku, Jihwan Park, Chung Whan Lee, Junho K. Hur, Chang Ho Sohn (2023). Spatial transcriptomics: technical aspects of recent developments and their applications in neuroscience and cancer research. Advanced Science 10:2206939.

Aygul Balcioglu, Rebecca Gillani, Michael Doron, Kendyll Burnell, Taeyun Ku, Alev Erisir, Kwanghun Chung, Idan Segev, Elly Nedivi (2023). Mapping thalamic innervation to individual L2/3 pyramidal neurons and modeling their ‘readout’ of visual input. Nature Neuroscience 26:470–480.

Mathieu Lafourcade, Marie-Sophie H. van der Goes, Dimitra Vardalaki, Norma J. Brown, Jakob Voigts, Dae Hee Yun, Minyoung E. Kim, Taeyun Ku, Mark T. Harnett (2022). Differential dendritic integration of long-range inputs in association cortex via subcellular changes in synaptic AMPA-to-NMDA receptor ratio. Neuron 110:1532–1546.

Jingu Lee, Joon-Goon Kim, Sujung Hong, Young Seo Kim, Soyeon Ahn, Ryul Kim, Heejung Chun, Ki Duk Park, Yong Jeong, Dong-Eog Kim, C. Justin Lee, Taeyun Ku, Pilhan Kim (2022). Longitudinal intravital imaging of cerebral microinfarction reveals a dynamic astrocyte reaction leading to glial scar formation. Glia 70:975–988.

Joha Park, Sarim Khan, Dae Hee Yun, Taeyun Ku, Katherine L. Villa, Jiachen E. Lee, Qiangge Zhang, Juhyuk Park, Guoping Feng, Elly Nedivi, Kwanghun Chung (2021). Epitope-preserving magnified analysis of proteome (eMAP). Science Advances 7:eabf6589.

Young-Gyun Park, Chang Ho Sohn, Ritchie Chen, Margaret McCue, Dae Hee Yun, Gabrielle T. Drummond, Taeyun Ku, Nicholas B. Evans, Hayeon Caitlyn Oak, Wendy Trieu, Heejin Choi, Xin Jin, Varoth Lilascharoen, Ji Wang, Matthias C. Truttmann, Helena W. Qi, Hidde L. Ploegh, Todd R. Golub, Shih-Chi Chen, Matthew P. Frosch, Heather J. Kulik, Byung Kook Lim, Kwanghun Chung (2019). Protection of tissue physicochemical properties using polyfunctional crosslinkers. Nature Biotechnology 37:73–83.

Feng-Ju Weng, Rodrigo I. Garcia, Stefano Lutzu, Karina Alviña, Yuxiang Zhang, Margaret Dushko, Taeyun Ku, Khaled Zemoura, David Rich, Dario Garcia-Dominquez, Matthew Hung, Tushar D. Yelhekar, Andreas Toft Sørensen, Weifeng Xu, Kwanghun Chung, Pablo E. Castillo, Yingxi Lin (2018). Npas4 is a critical regulator of learning-induced plasticity at mossy fiber-CA3 synapses during contextual memory. Neuron 97:1137–1152.

Magdalena Renner, Madeline A. Lancaster, Shan Bian, Heejin Choi, Taeyun Ku, Angela Peer, Kwanghun Chung, Jüergen A. Knoblich (2017). Self-organized developmental patterning and differentiation in cerebral organoids. The EMBO Journal 36:1316–1329.

Jihye Seo, Yuri An, Jungsul Lee, Taeyun Ku, Yujung Kang, Chulwoo Ahn, Chulhee Choi (2016). Principal component analysis of dynamic fluorescence images for diagnosis of diabetic vasculopathy. Journal of Biomedical Optics 21:046003.

Jonghee Yoon, Myunghwan Choi, Taeyun Ku, Won Jong Choi, Chulhee Choi (2014). Optical induction of muscle contraction at the tissue scale through intrinsic cellular amplifiers. Journal of Biophotonics 7:597–606.

Kyuha Chong, Taeyun Ku, Phei Er Saw, Sangyong Jon, Ji-Ho Park, Chulhee Choi (2013). Enhancement of the photocytotoxic efficiency of sub-12 nm therapeutic polymeric micelles with increased co-localisation in mitochondria. Chemical Communications 49:11476–11478.

Taeyun Ku, Chulhee Choi (2012). Noninvasive optical measurement of cerebral blood flow in mice using molecular dynamics analysis of indocyanine green. PLoS One 7:e48383.

Jungwhoi Lee, Taeyun Ku, Hana Yu, Kyuha Chong, Seung-Wook Ryu, Kyungsun Choi, Chulhee Choi (2012). Blockade of VEGF-A suppresses tumor growth via inhibition of autocrine signaling through FAK and AKT. Cancer Letters 318:221–225.

Myunghwan Choi, Jonghee Yoon, Taeyun Ku, Kyungsun Choi, Chulhee Choi (2011). Label-free optical activation of astrocyte in vivo. Journal of Biomedical Optics 16:075003.

Myunghwan Choi, Taeyun Ku, Kyuha Chong, Jonghee Yoon, Chulhee Choi (2011). Minimally invasive molecular delivery into the brain using optical modulation of vascular permeability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108:9256–9261.

Sungyoung Choi, Taeyun Ku, Seungjeong Song, Chulhee Choi, Je-Kyun Park (2011). Hydrophoretic high-throughput selection of platelets in physiological shear-stress range. Lab on a Chip 11:413–418.

Eun Joo Kim, Kee Namkoong, Taeyun Ku, Se Joo Kim (2008). The relationship between online game addiction and aggression, self-control and narcissistic personality traits. European Psychiatry 23:212–218.

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